R v Fowlie, 1998 CarswellNB 43 NBQB

Fowlie attempted to ‘train’ his young horse by tying a rope around his neck, and pulling it behind a wagon (breathlessness). Fowlie repeatedly hit him with a plank of wood. After killing the horse, he dumped the carcass in the woods.

Fowlie was observed dragging his horse behind his truck. He stated that he was attempting to train the colt that was difficult to handle. He was also observed hitting the colt with a piece of wood. The matter was reported to an animal shelter and the police. The police discovered the dead colt on Fowlie’s property with a rope around her neck. The veterinarian discovered that the animal had been beaten and showed signs of severe trauma around the neck. No cause of death could be established.

Held: Fowlie was sentenced to 90 days imprisonment on an intermittent basis. The sentence would be served on weekends to allow Fowlie to take care of his farm. The killing of the horse was a cruel and despicable act.